How Stress Affects the Body

Girl Being Stressed
3 Main Types of Stress

1. Acute Stress– short-term stress that can be positive or negative. This is the most common type of stress we deal with on a daily basis. IE road rage, getting engaged, going back to school, etc.

2. ...
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4 Ways to Relieve Stress

1. Breathe! Sounds simple right? Well, unfortunately, people forget to do this and actually hold their breath during tense situations. If you want to be diligent and learn an advanced breathing method, there are a variety of techniques out there. But if you want to keep it simple, here are a couple of suggestions:

 A. Inhale for the count of 4, then hold the breath for 4 seconds. Exhale the breath out for a count of 4, then hold for 4 seconds. ...

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8 Easy ways to De-Stress at work

Easy ways to de-stress at work

1. Music– “easy listening” is the key, whether it’s classical, sounds of the ocean or flutes. Whatever gets you to lighten up; go for it. If you don’t have your own office, then you may want to use ear buds.

2. Fountains– studies have shown that the sounds of water invoke relaxation. Whether you have a tiny fountain at your desk, or if you want to invest and get a large fountain for your ...

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