Insurance Coverage for Naprapathic Care

Dr. Gold, DN accepts all insurance companies that have Naprapathic coverage. The most common carriers that have Naprapathic coverage are: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, and United.

To find out if you have coverage with your insurance plan, please scan the front and back of your insurance card, along with your driver’s license or state ID. Please email or text (773) 443-3132 (text is preferred) your insurance card, email it to: If you are not the primary name on the insurance policy, please provide that person’s name, date of birth, the name of their employer, and their phone number. With this information, Dr. Gold, DN will be able to call your insurance carrier to find out if you have coverage.

Once you are an established patient, meaning you have had your initial evaluation (90-minute office visit), and you do not have insurance coverage, Dr. Gold, DN offers a cash discount for those that cannot afford the standard prices.